Artist: Cliff Damage
Bands: Torus, The Casket Creatures, Graveyard Gospel
Instrument: Bass
Interview: Podbean, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Pandora, Amazon, and Pocket Casts
Cliffton is and Atlanta native artist who has been in several local bands. For the past 20 plus years he played with The Casket Creatures a horror rock band who's songs about psycho killers, Halloween, and monster movie plots are loud, in your face, and raw. Lately Cliffton has taken a break from the stage to work on his knife making skills. His wears can be found on Facebook and he takes custom orders. Cliffton is the creator of the Art Zine (comic book) Bonerz McDonald's about a Skeleton and his adventures going through 'Hell", life, depression, and many other adventures. Yes these stories may be loosely based on the creator's experiences.
Grave Yard Gospel: https://www.facebook.com/graveyardgospel/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cliffbishopknives/
Don't Die Podcast: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/dontdie/bob-forrests-dont-die-podcast
Sex and Other Human Activities Podcast:https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/the-last-podcast-network/sex-other-human-activities
Mental Health Help Info: https://www.mentalhealth.gov/
Substance Abuse Info:https://www.drug-rehabs.org/rehab-center/Care-and-Counseling-Center-of-Georgia_Decatur_GA.htm
#knives #thecasketcreatures #Clifftonbishop #Cliffdamage #shilohbloodworth #ryancadaver #derekobscura #kevinslayfield #bonerzmcdonalds #cliffbishopknives #tonydinneweth #horrorrock #horrorpunk #elzig #thecrimsonghost #Danzig #Inviolate #Marcusparks #thelastpodnetwork #sexandotherhumanactivites #bipolardisorder #depression #ocd #mentalhealt #takeyourmeds #Michealgraves #combichrist #daveysuicide #vampiresballsavannah #monstersball #graveyardgospel #thespectormen #thehighlanderbar #slaugherque #themasquradeatlanta #doyle #drchud #jerryonly #themisfits #misfits #addiction #thecoffincats #theearlatl #badearl