Miss Tiff is a singer and musician who has been performing for 13 years with local Atlanta bands like the Casket Creatures, Tortus, and is currently singing with Elzig. She has a bachelor’s degree in Music Education and has been teaching elementary and middle school music in South Georgia for 6 years. In addition to singing Miss Tiff is kind of a "Jill of all trades" when it comes to playing instruments. Her repitur includes piano, keyboard, sax, cello, clarinet, as well as many others. She advocates for Save Our Stages, UpBeat, and other organizations to help keep artists working and making music. When she is not belting out righteous songs with the evil Elvis himself, or teaching the future generation of musicians, Miss Tiff loves horror movies, Gothic style decor, and animals.
Miss Tiff's Links:
#misstiff #tiffanyrowell #tortus #Elzig #Casketcreatures #heavymetalatl #womeninrock #gothicmetal #heart #Malevolentcreation #Epica #Jinger #oncehuman #upbeat #saveourstages #eviljim #thecasketcreatures #horrorcore #musicteachers